Murder Mystery Event – The Little Drummer Boy

Present Day



Tonight, theatre company, The Story Tellers fresh from their Christmas run of Jack Frost are celebrating a job well done. Their show was a resounding success and tonight they aim to let their hair down.

However, in 2008 the company was shaken by the accidental death of principal actor Stefan Davis during a live showing of their production: The Little Drummer Boy. Stefan was struck by an overhead stage lamp, that had become loose. Despite this loss, the company have carried on bringing stories to family all around the north or England.

Surely nothing can dampen their Christmas Spirit? Company owner and Director, Ian Lince will be eager to celebrate as he has just received some wonderful news, but is he ready to tell the others yet? Or is it a case that Danielle and Kelly may have some news of their own? Timothy hasn’t always seen eye to eye with Annabelle, but let us put all of that behind, shall we?
