2014 – New Style Themes


Murder by Invitation introduces new style Murder Mystery for 2014!

As a forward thinking production company, we at Murder by Invitation, want to push the boundaries of traditional Murder Mystery. We have been spending the winter thinking of New Styled Themes. While keeping true to our beliefs: great shows, fantastic interaction with the audience and using the best actors in the north of England, we know that to stand still is failure.

Brace yourselves for new advances in our entertainment! Whether it be a Scare Murder Mystery, a Pantomime night of Murder or even a Musical Murder Mystery, Murder by Invitation will take you and your customers to new heights of entertainment. Murder Mystery parties will never be the same again!

And our thinking does not stop there, we are looking at developing Murder Mysteries to a much more inclusive form of entertainment. Can you imagine a Murder Mystery that allows the guests to sing along? Well, watch this space!

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